Longview Ranch Has Partnered With ANEW To Establish Carbon Rights For Their 16,000 Acres Of Timber Ground

Longview Ranch is happy to announce we have established carbon rights for our 16,000 acres of timber ground.

Longview Ranch partnered with ANEW to get the forest inventoried and credits finalized. It has been a 2 year project getting this done.

This will ensure that the forest ground stays in tack for the next forty years and the timber will never be clear cut. One of our biggest goals on the ranch is to have a healthy forest that will grow enormous healthy trees for generations to come.

By establishing and selling the carbon rights it ensures the forest will be preserved and taken care of for a minimum of the next forty years. Our goal on the ranch is to grow large healthy trees that are over 100 years old.

We strive to space our trees properly so they have plenty of water and sun for every tree. This takes a lot of hard work to establish, but is totally worth the effort in the end. The trees grow twice as fast and strong and healthy. They will be here long after we are gone.

For more information, visit: https://anewclimate.com/mission


Longview Ranch is in the process of changing their cattle herd over to Red Angus mother cows (Copy)


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